
Stillness in the Storm : Frequency and Vibration: How They Create the Struc...

Solar Flares Rising, Sun/Climate, Extreme Weather | S0 News Nov.28.2016

Пришел мужик, смотрит, а его тарантас провалился на половину.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS STORM 4K - July 12-14th 2016, Denmark

Locals freaked by eruptions sending water 30m into the air

Eruption Watch, Quake Magnetism, Weather | S0 News Nov.27.2016

Stillness in the Storm : COBRA | The Pleiadian Interview with Cobra and A´d...

Streak Ends, Europe Focus, Major US Storm | S0 News Nov.26.2016

49 giant sinkholes discovered in NW China's Shaanxi Province

Impresionante explosión del Volcán Popocatépetl 25 de noviembre 2016 9:4...

Impresionante explosión del Volcán Popocatépetl 25 de nov 2016 vista des...