
New Asteroid, Tropics, Cosmic Quakes | S0 News Jun.16.2016

Rainstorms & flooding cause chaos in southern China

Layman's Version: Earthquakes Triggered by the Sun

Stillness in the Storm : Corey Goode Update Via Michael Salla Part 1 | Secr...

Sun, Earthquakes, Hail | S0 News Jun.15.2016

Sun, Earthquakes, Hail | S0 News Jun.15.2016

Puu Oo Subsidence Signals Eruption Changes (June 8, 2016)

Amazing Lightning and hail from the Supercell near Paducah, TX - 6/14/2016

Hail storm hit Harbin, with hailstones congested sewers & caused city ro...

Fierce hailstorm pounds northeast China's Harbin

Egg-shaped hail slams China's Shanxi